Hyperparameter Optimization with Successive Halving
Optimizer using the Successive Halving Algorithm (SHA).
SHA is initialized with the number of starting configurations n
, the proportion of configurations discarded in each stage eta
, and the minimum r_min
and maximum _max
budget of a single evaluation.
The algorithm starts by sampling n
random configurations and allocating the minimum budget r_min
to them.
The configurations are evaluated and 1 / eta
of the worst-performing configurations are discarded.
The remaining configurations are promoted to the next stage and evaluated on a larger budget.
The following table is the stage layout for eta = 2
, r_min = 1
and r_max = 8
i | n_i | r_i |
0 | 8 | 1 |
1 | 4 | 2 |
2 | 2 | 4 |
3 | 1 | 8 |
is the stage number, n_i
is the number of configurations and r_i
is the budget allocated to a single configuration.
The number of stages is calculated so that each stage consumes approximately the same budget. This sometimes results in the minimum budget having to be slightly adjusted by the algorithm.
Jamieson K, Talwalkar A (2016). “Non-stochastic Best Arm Identification and Hyperparameter Optimization.” In Gretton A, Robert CC (eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, volume 51 series Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 240-248. http://proceedings.mlr.press/v51/jamieson16.html.
The gallery features a collection of case studies and demos about optimization.
Tune the hyperparameters of XGBoost with Hyperband (Hyperband can be easily swapped with SHA).
Use data subsampling and Hyperband to optimize a support vector machine.
This bbotk::Optimizer can be instantiated via the dictionary
bbotk::mlr_optimizers or with the associated sugar function bbotk::opt()
Number of configurations in the base stage.eta
With every stage, the budget is increased by a factor ofeta
and only the best1 / eta
configurations are promoted to the next stage. Non-integer values are supported, buteta
is not allowed to be less or equal to 1.sampler
Object defining how the samples of the parameter space should be drawn. The default is uniform sampling.repetitions
(default), optimization is stopped once all stages are evaluated. Otherwise, optimization is stopped afterrepetitions
runs of SHA. The bbotk::Terminator might stop the optimization before all repetitions are executed.adjust_minimum_budget
, the minimum budget is increased so that the last stage uses the maximum budget defined in the search space.
The bbotk::Archive holds the following additional columns that are specific to SHA:
Stage index. Starts counting at 0.repetition
Repetition index. Start counting at 1.
Custom Sampler
Hyperband supports custom paradox::Sampler object for initial configurations in each bracket. A custom sampler may look like this (the full example is given in the examples section):
Progress Bars
supports progress bars via the package progressr
combined with a bbotk::Terminator. Simply wrap the function in
to enable them. We recommend to use package
progress as backend; enable with progressr::handlers("progress")
Hyperband uses a logger (as implemented in lgr) from package
Use lgr::get_logger("bbotk")
to access and control the logger.
Super classes
-> bbotk::OptimizerBatch
-> OptimizerBatchSuccessiveHalving
# set search space
search_space = domain = ps(
x1 = p_dbl(-5, 10),
x2 = p_dbl(0, 15),
fidelity = p_dbl(1e-2, 1, tags = "budget")
# Branin function with fidelity, see `bbotk::branin()`
fun = function(xs) branin_wu(xs[["x1"]], xs[["x2"]], xs[["fidelity"]])
# create objective
objective = ObjectiveRFun$new(
fun = fun,
domain = domain,
codomain = ps(y = p_dbl(tags = "minimize"))
# initialize instance and optimizer
instance = OptimInstanceSingleCrit$new(
objective = objective,
search_space = search_space,
terminator = trm("evals", n_evals = 50)
#> OptimInstanceSingleCrit is deprecated. Use OptimInstanceBatchSingleCrit instead.
optimizer = opt("successive_halving")
# optimize branin function
#> x1 x2 fidelity x_domain y
#> <num> <num> <num> <list> <num>
#> 1: -1.845339 9.839739 0.16 <list[3]> 7.957692
# best scoring evaluation
#> x1 x2 fidelity x_domain y
#> <num> <num> <num> <list> <num>
#> 1: -1.845339 9.839739 0.16 <list[3]> 7.957692
# all evaluations
#> x1 x2 fidelity stage repetition y
#> <num> <num> <num> <int> <num> <num>
#> 1: -2.8202623 6.2590489 0.01 0 1 20.866882
#> 2: 7.8157583 2.0711226 0.01 0 1 54.808291
#> 3: -1.8027603 1.2126744 0.01 0 1 67.926487
#> 4: -1.8453389 9.8397394 0.01 0 1 8.036810
#> 5: -4.4071897 9.0300579 0.01 0 1 28.004065
#> 6: 9.1716220 9.8549374 0.01 0 1 253.925823
#> 7: -1.3260802 4.9397575 0.01 0 1 22.719578
#> 8: 6.7168385 14.6921133 0.01 0 1 343.451440
#> 9: -0.6764425 10.7277920 0.01 0 1 30.718370
#> 10: 8.1303687 13.0894546 0.01 0 1 332.606891
#> 11: -0.5637486 14.7492562 0.01 0 1 79.619962
#> 12: 9.7528811 3.2784449 0.01 0 1 99.505602
#> 13: 3.8475633 9.9679510 0.01 0 1 95.713095
#> 14: 6.3873757 5.8434606 0.01 0 1 96.599814
#> 15: 7.5411296 0.6909546 0.01 0 1 37.720661
#> 16: 6.4422920 9.2537184 0.01 0 1 169.646079
#> 17: -1.8453389 9.8397394 0.02 1 1 8.031374
#> 18: -2.8202623 6.2590489 0.02 1 1 20.938047
#> 19: -1.3260802 4.9397575 0.02 1 1 22.730919
#> 20: -4.4071897 9.0300579 0.02 1 1 28.181990
#> 21: -0.6764425 10.7277920 0.02 1 1 30.715041
#> 22: 7.5411296 0.6909546 0.02 1 1 37.157884
#> 23: 7.8157583 2.0711226 0.02 1 1 53.997570
#> 24: -1.8027603 1.2126744 0.02 1 1 67.976901
#> 25: -1.8453389 9.8397394 0.04 2 1 8.020569
#> 26: -2.8202623 6.2590489 0.04 2 1 21.080756
#> 27: -1.3260802 4.9397575 0.04 2 1 22.753620
#> 28: -4.4071897 9.0300579 0.04 2 1 28.540104
#> 29: -1.8453389 9.8397394 0.08 3 1 7.999239
#> 30: -2.8202623 6.2590489 0.08 3 1 21.367693
#> 31: -1.8453389 9.8397394 0.16 4 1 7.957692
#> x1 x2 fidelity stage repetition y
#> timestamp batch_nr x_domain_x1 x_domain_x2 x_domain_fidelity
#> <POSc> <int> <num> <num> <num>
#> 1: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 1 -2.8202623 6.2590489 0.01
#> 2: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 1 7.8157583 2.0711226 0.01
#> 3: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 1 -1.8027603 1.2126744 0.01
#> 4: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 1 -1.8453389 9.8397394 0.01
#> 5: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 1 -4.4071897 9.0300579 0.01
#> 6: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 1 9.1716220 9.8549374 0.01
#> 7: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 1 -1.3260802 4.9397575 0.01
#> 8: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 1 6.7168385 14.6921133 0.01
#> 9: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 1 -0.6764425 10.7277920 0.01
#> 10: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 1 8.1303687 13.0894546 0.01
#> 11: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 1 -0.5637486 14.7492562 0.01
#> 12: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 1 9.7528811 3.2784449 0.01
#> 13: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 1 3.8475633 9.9679510 0.01
#> 14: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 1 6.3873757 5.8434606 0.01
#> 15: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 1 7.5411296 0.6909546 0.01
#> 16: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 1 6.4422920 9.2537184 0.01
#> 17: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 2 -1.8453389 9.8397394 0.02
#> 18: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 2 -2.8202623 6.2590489 0.02
#> 19: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 2 -1.3260802 4.9397575 0.02
#> 20: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 2 -4.4071897 9.0300579 0.02
#> 21: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 2 -0.6764425 10.7277920 0.02
#> 22: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 2 7.5411296 0.6909546 0.02
#> 23: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 2 7.8157583 2.0711226 0.02
#> 24: 2024-06-30 09:53:10 2 -1.8027603 1.2126744 0.02
#> 25: 2024-06-30 09:53:11 3 -1.8453389 9.8397394 0.04
#> 26: 2024-06-30 09:53:11 3 -2.8202623 6.2590489 0.04
#> 27: 2024-06-30 09:53:11 3 -1.3260802 4.9397575 0.04
#> 28: 2024-06-30 09:53:11 3 -4.4071897 9.0300579 0.04
#> 29: 2024-06-30 09:53:11 4 -1.8453389 9.8397394 0.08
#> 30: 2024-06-30 09:53:11 4 -2.8202623 6.2590489 0.08
#> 31: 2024-06-30 09:53:11 5 -1.8453389 9.8397394 0.16
#> timestamp batch_nr x_domain_x1 x_domain_x2 x_domain_fidelity